Monday, October 18, 2010

swim porn

swim report monday 11: ruth and lftc alone but wanting all of you so badly it hurt. (it's the whole southern cal group thing) beyond flat, it was SUB flat, a vacuum of flat if you will, 65 degrees by my watch and clear, so clear it was actually sexy. soft, silky inviting, burning loins kind of conditions today my friends! swam along the outside pin buoys to the 1/2 and across just looking around, some fishies but not much else except for the sea floor so we hung out at the 1/4 and pin buoys for about 20 minutes going back and forth, back and forth. no wetsuit for ruth and no fins, period. we played all the way back in, i kept asking ruth if she was done yet, she kept looking back out to sea like she forgot something. i envisioned myself dragging her in by her suit straps. a near swimmervention! we swam for about an hour and the new guard, mike, said that he kept having to track us from one spot to the next and then back again. happy to know they really do keep an eye on us. no rain at all, likely 65 degree air temp and a g spot of sun! seriously, one solitary spot, shining down upon us. we thought of you all, especially cami who NEEDS the clear more than any of us. we met a swimmer on top that was expounding on her 'distance' swims, sounding like a claudia swimmer so i asked her how far her 'distance' was, her answer? to the 1/2 and back, a mile! i felt like clapping for her and i swear i heard circus trumpets blowing. hey, BITTER is my moniker! it's just my way. but i love you guys! lftc out


  1. OMG! I love these posts! I'm getting overheated now... can't wait to get back into the water!

  2. I can't believe there was no rain out there! How did you even have the nerve to risk it?! I'm incredulous! No Fair! LFTC and Ruth get all the good luck! I gotta hang with ya'll more often. But what to do with this PTA ball and chain...
