Monday, October 4, 2010

Let's get back to the water!

Because we're all having so much fun swimming and sharing our "proper" swim reports, I thought I'd help us start a swim blog. Everyone can chime in, post and have fun -- not as much fun as swimming, of course, but we'll inspire each other to new aqua-vistas! I'm guessing we need to get Laura's adventures from last week to get us started... this blog will only be viewable by those we give permission, so we can blog away -- typos, colorful language and all! 

What do you think?
Are you in?

We can add photos, video, links to other websites like the La Jolla Swim Club and more... blogspot is easy to use and fun!
Here are some photos of La Jolla Cove looking out towards Torrey Pines and beyond.   I also included a few images from our Scripps Pier swim taken by David and a Children's Pool pic too. 

Good Enough for a Warm Up -- 10 Mile Relay team

Scripps Pier swim to La Jolla Cove

Thanks to Dave for the great photos and the awesome starting place!

The Happy Swimmers!!!

It looks so far!
We made it to the cove... great swim!!!


  1. I love the pics! I have some of the 10mi, LJ Rough Water, Alcatraz, etc. Nice job with the blog Cary :o)

  2. OMG! I hadn't seen those photos of the pier swim. The water looked possitively exquisite! This is a great idea for our exuberant cove chronicles!

  3. All righty then, post away! This is going to be fun. Even Bill wants to add a
    "proper" swim report... must make the rain go away -- someone? anyone?

    Thanks for posting...
    ~ Cary

  4. i guess i'll try to add my 'swim report with a side of burning thighs'. hope it works
    Swim report with a side of burning thighs: Wednesday, 10:30, Diana, LFTC. Big north swell rolling in but with lulls in between so we decided to be cool and tough and just roll with it, swim and hang out during the sets, chill, so to speak. We see a ‘lull’ and swim out, Diana has Zoomers and I had big surf fins. FYI: Zoomers don’t really zoom and surf fins aren’t enough for big surf. Of course, the biggest freaking set cruised in with wicked speed but it’s too late to go back, we’d be smashed on the rocks and we seemed so far from the outside. Waves are easily 8 feet. We are both freaking out and I hear Diana say ‘oh shit’, quietly. We forge onward because we had no choice and sure enough we are riding these big waves, barely going over-we are way outside now with the swells still building. My eyes are almost out of my head and this lone swimmer comes over and says that we are okay, just stay where we were and we’ll be okay. I didn’t know who he was but I loved him and wanted to have his baby, right there. Finally we are out, so close to the A and things looked okay but I WAS NOT GOING BACK. I’m not I’m not I’m not. Diana says that she’s on board with this plan so we have a great swim across in pretty clear seas, Shores side was flat glass. We get out after a seal and Leopard sighting and walk into the LJBATC to find a phone. We had to walk in front of several panoramic windows of all the restaurants where people were dining. (this should tell you how dedicated we were to NOT GOING BACK) The staff there let us use a phone to call David who was at the Keck tank. He raced right over to give us a lift back to the Cove BUT not until we got lost on the hotel property, walking around the grounds and tennis courts, finally we decide to cut right across the golf course and SCALE A FIVE FOOT CHAIN LINK FENCE, me in my Speedo, Diana in her micro Nike, both in caps, goggles on our heads, carrying our fins. Clearly we were losing our minds. We couldn’t scale the fence (duh) and we couldn’t squeeze through the bushes (another duh) although we considered it. Finally a very nice groundskeeper directed us right onto the street, where 50 cars passed us by, so we could hike, barefoot, on the hot asphalt to the M/R. Diana’s suit was giving her an inner thigh wedgie but she couldn’t fix it due to traffic. Our thighs were burning up. We made it by the grace of God to the M/R where we flopped onto the wall and waited for Dave. You know what? All the drama of wandering around L/J in swimsuits and burning thighs was better than swimming back through the surf. When we got back to get our stuff, the guard said that he had divers out looking for us and if they wouldn’t have found us they’d assumed we went into another beach. He was kidding of course and found our story hilarious, even joked that we should have hitched a ride back on Torrey Pines. HA HA. Enjoy the story, swimmers!
    P.s. Diana is freaking BRAVE and thought we should body surf 12 foot waves back in at Boomers. She’s insane.

  5. i have one more tidbit: after our sunday swim, cami left this message that was very amusing. it went like this: "laura, i feel so so so high! i just feel so so so good! i can't beleive how amazing i feel, i feel so so oh, high! i just want a shot of tequila!" it was adorable and i know exactly how she felt. it's the primo stuff we are playing with.

  6. our little crew has so far made this rating scale for ocean temps: level 1-dammit cold
    level 2-shit, it's cold!
    level 3-fucking A cold!
    Cary's level 4-frickin freezing
    Cami's level 5-50fucking4
    i think we have all the levels and best swear words covered!

  7. This is such a great idea Cary! I love it! Laura your stories always crack me up! I choose the mountains instead of the water this weekend although I look forward to getting back in when the weather reporters sober up and give us some clear skys and clear water.

  8. Laura forgot to post her yesterday's WEATHER WHINE... it was a perfect reply to when I asked her what's up with the rain? ... LFTC's reply:


    I don’t know about the rain. I think the weather people have given up. They start drinking early in the morning and just agree to tell us what we want to hear: um, yeah, it’s gonna be sunny and nice, no rain, flat seas. What we get is rain ALL DAY, cold temps and waves breaking in the Cove with a hazard warning. By the time we get all miffed and prickly, they’re completely passed out and no longer care what the ‘people’ think.


  9. why is my name listed as a contributor? i don't know how to do it!
