Saturday, October 23, 2010

What shark?

10/23 8 a.m. report
misty air, murky water. water temp 64-65. I had to break rank today, by not swimming with "the gang" at noontime. Number one child had a 6:40 a.m. warm-up time at LJ High for her swimmeet. Left her with coach and walked the mile to the cove. Slapped hi-five with some masters friends as they were coming in and I was going out. Swam solo to the quarter, the A and home. Visibility slightly better around the A buoy; luckily no sign of man-chomping shark with Santa Barbara plates. The sun tried to bluff its way out from behind the clouds on my walk back. It was quickly covered and replaced with clouds and a very heavy mist/light drizzle.
Sunday is the second day of swimmeet, so I'll be out there again for more of the same.

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