Tuesday, October 19, 2010

gray things that make me quiverrrr

Yep, it was gray.... and so clear in some spots and not in others and warm.. a warm gray if you will..... LFTC and I started our descent only to find a wandering lost soul from Minnesota, Minnesota Mike who looked longingly toward the water.... which way do you go to swim here?..... um ... that way, said Laura with a warm smile pointing at the water. Oh.
We took mercy and invited him along for (what we found out later what was) his FIRST ocean swim ever... It occurred to me about 1/2 way to the 1/4 buoy that he might not like ocean swimming and we were very much the only ones out there... but he plugged on following us with each whimsy turn, towards the yellow.... hm, lobster boats and their diesel fumes.... then to the 1/4... clear to the bottom, glassy on top.. towards the caves... hard turn right, over clear and clearer water, strong pulse south.. we brought him in then went towards the point... that lurking gray hard to shake for some reason it hangs with me sometimes....LFTC in her jolly way headed back towards the 1/4 (although she was aiming more for Catalina) then a hard right again to bring it back in... did some skills building, swam in. And then came the rain. Eternally grateful for a swim before the storms, and nothing scary except my own mind out there.

1 comment:

  1. your mind got us out there today your mind's scariness makes you a thrilling partner. thanks for the invite, i wouldn't have gone otherwise. wet, sea salty kisses..lftc
