Friday, October 29, 2010

shark infested swim

swim report friday 11am: tftc, lftc and nira, a girl we picked up on the beach. (i'm kind of a loose girl, i'll go out with anybody) 65 degrees by my watch, smooth, flat surface, zero swells, swam to the 1st outside pin buoy which is number 1, had to go around the herd of sea lions (what is their group called?) because nira had a 'thing' about them, crystal clear inside, murky at the buoy so we headed in to the caves-toni didn't get her caving done yesterday so it needed to be done-the water cleared up beautifully, as we got closer and closer to shore it was clearer and clearer, not much swimming going on at this point. we heard someone screaming from afar and decided to check it out, we knew someone saw something. on the way to the screamer lo and behold, a shark! i alerted toni and nira who had their own shark to keep an eye on. we all dropped to look and there they were, at least two big toni sized sharks. one bigger than the other. nira seemed to know something about sharks and said they were soupfins. i happen to agree, too big for smooths. it was an incredible sight so what did we do? turned around to go back, duh.. nira had to leave us so toni and i cruised the coastline checking out everything in our path. goofed around in the cove for a short while, the water was fantastic today, we missed having you with us, all of you! the joy is increased exponentially when we are together. 2 people, twice the joy, 9, nine times the joy, an overdose! love the sharks, my friends! lftc-out


  1. Soups On!!! meant soup fin sharks? Coolness. Seems they're liking that area the last couple of days. :o)

  2. we should have a catalog of the locals we might see out there

  3. According to -

    A group of Seals is called a harem.
    A group of sea lions is called a raft.

    I would have guessed pride of sea lions because that's what the land version is called.
