Monday, October 18, 2010

Inland Housewife Escapes to the Cove

Momma broke out of Housewife Jail and escaped to the Cove today. Dropped off one child at practice and took second child on an extreme car chase toward beconning clearing skies observed along the coast. Sources say she left her computer open to the Cove Blogg reporting idyllic conditions in the Cove by blogger, Ruth the Converted. Hold for video feed...

4:30 pm, the late afternoon sun is intermittently blanketed by clouds. Water flat. Flat. Flat. Tide is out. More sea lions that swimmers out there. So so tranquil oh my gosh. Water temp 64. I swam out to the mouth of the cove while Jake got used to the water on shore. Three sea lions were the welcoming party. We all got a GOOD look at each other! I swam back to get Jake, and we swam out again. By this time the sea lions were distracted with each other. No worries; Jake didn't want to get up close with the sealife just yet. Jake swam back to shore; and I swam out to the 1/4, escorted by a curious sea lion all the way. He darted up, down, underneath, popped up, down this way that much that he was a distraction to my swim! I'VE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN! Jake swam out with me again and this time we were the center of attention to several sea lions! What a memorable experience. So worth the risk of getting caught.

Now back to my suburban cell, no longer jealous of lftc and ruth. ahhh.

1 comment:

  1. way to party with sea life, toni! so glad you could get out there, ruth and lftc be tellin the truth! good for jake too! have him post his thoughts on swimming with his awesome mom..
