Monday, November 1, 2010


So, if clarity is your thing... mental clarity, clarity in the water.. this was the day. Warm water, very clear in some spots, milky clear in others, milky in some but we swam away from those.... .25 w/Phoeny(10), Kevin (it was his inagural swim with the pack, GO KEVIN! until he started hypothermating and headed in) Mike the lifeguard with white lips (turned toward the caves and was gone), Steve-who-is-freakishly-fast, LFTC who clearly had drank her allotment of water before swimming and was back on track making waves, and me. Only the top four of us continued past the .25 towards the 'pipe in the cliff' until the water was so shallow and murky that LFTC and I turned West knowing that if we lead the leaders will follow (P and S)... then out to the .5, then back in.... I think Phoeny10 swam a good .25 miles farther than the rest of us as she zigzagged her way in to make sure all territory was covered... she'd make a good SWAT team swimmer if she were to actually swim face down like the rest of us... but man she has a darn good back stroke.... LFTC and I solved all the mysteries of man (men) out from the .25 in.. just ask us if you have any questions. Beautiful swim inside, very aquarium-like-clear. Kellie swam out with me again for a short quick dip into the clear water.
Wow, should we do it again tomorrow? yah baby!

1 comment:

  1. Mysteries of men?? I am intrigued LOL! Who says swimming isn't a social sport? With all that chatting, did you actually swim? :o) Sorry I missed it, but will join you tomorrow.
