Sunday, November 7, 2010

Birthday pod and searching for the elusive cove whales...

What a day... even when the weather turns cooler our warm pod keeps us all toasty and swim-ready!  It was a treat to spend some extra time together after a glorious blitz out into that gorgeous teal sea all decorated with golden bronze-tinged kelp...  My biggest excitement today was nearly body surfing back into the cove and looking over at Bill only to see a BIG sea lion staring back at me -- what???

Never did see any whales today, but getting to swim and spend time (we really missed Ruth) enjoying a feast and our ever-warming friendship. What a group -- mer-migos!

Happy Birthday LFTC and Cami (Ruth's is next).

Hugs to all of you!!!


Here's a couple of pics of the day...
Low tide at the swimming hole!

One of the birthday mermaids!

One of these guys is posing as Bill!


  1. did justaddwater join a raft of sea lions? missed you all tons today. sounds like a great swim and good hullaballoo.

  2. Bill, isn't it nice to know you can be replaced? LOL! Cary, if the sea lion follows you home, you're in real trouble! Great Day!!
