Monday, November 1, 2010

Squid Dinner

Trying to take advantage of the warm weather, warm water, and after work daylight hours that all may not last much longer.

Hit the cove around 4:30. Didn't recognize anyone on shore but Janie was coming out of the water and introduced me to Tim, one of the regular late afternoon crowd. We decided to do a tour of the white stick buoys, but before we could get 20 yards from shore ran into a sea lion underwater munching on the back half of a big humbolt squid. The arms were already eaten, but from the tail I'd say it was at least 3' long when alive. Quite a site and glad it was not alive I hear they can be very aggressive.

Rest of swim was smooth and warm but not much visibility. I'm planning to try again on Wednesday and Thursday around 4:30 if anyone's interested.

1 comment:

  1. Humbolts are nasty critters...yikes! Maybe the sea lions aren't so bad afterall if they eat them!
