Friday, November 5, 2010

Swimming Always Cures What Ails Ya

After yesterdays roll on the rocks, I was really very sore and stiff. Licked my wounds with a rare lie-in and missed swimming in the morning. All was not lost as Ruth wanted to swim in the afternoon. I wasn't quite sure how I would do, but it couldn't be any worse. So off I went...
We swam from the Shores and overshot the 1/2, then almost to the 'A' but turned back cuz the ucky kelp was everywhere, so we swam to the Marine Rm and saw a ton of leopard sharks and lots of schools of fish, then turned left to parallel the beach and back to our stuff. Nice easy pace. It was like glass out there and the temp must have been at least 67' with good viz! The water felt good on my aching bod. It's true swimming does cure what ails ya. Thanks for the swim Ruth.

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