Wednesday, November 10, 2010

swim report with a dose of the hard life

swim report wednesday 11, lftc, marta: i was on the fence, really waffling and decided that if i could find a partner, i'd go, i did and so i went. i got down to the beach where i promptly complained to all parties on the deck about my car windows(which i just had tinted, secret agent style, and then untinted, fix it ticket style). i went on for several minutes about how i was BLINDED by the sun, was seen by all the 'people', had to resort to using little lame-o sun screens that stick to the windows with sucker pads-that says it all, right there-and totally lost my secret agent edge. (i did have one, you guys, it was just 'secret') anyway, after i vented about my hard life we trudged down to the waters edge, cool and kind of windy, some surface chop and rollers cruising in but mostly quiet and empty seas. swam to the a in 63 degrees, to the #2 pin buoy where we found a crop circle! or kelp circle. really, it looked like a big circle of kelp so we goofed around with it, dragging it to and fro, trying to make it a real circle but it was just long pieces in a circular pattern, thrilling, i know. on to the caves looking for viz but none was to be had. swam back in totally fixed for the day. we all need to learn sign language to communicate with marta, who swims with music in her ears. after screaming a few times i decided that hand signals are best, kind of like signalmen without the flags. it's fun, we can make new signals up! (i adore you, marta and i'm happy to scream at you and resort to hand signals) so that's it my friends, another cold and soggy day, they are the best and even better when there are more us around!

1 comment:

  1. Since you've all had enough reports from me for a while...Why hasn't anyone been swimming? (oh look! a puppy!). I thought I'd just say my piece about todays swim in a comment...Ditto! LOL Nah, it was a nice day for viewing wicken circles in the sea or whatever it w...wait a minute...I only wear the h2o audio on my lonely swims (except today of course). Thanks for driving down, love your compant, but watch the hand signals. LOL
