Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Smooth and Glassy

In a panic, all I could think of was, where's Laura?  Our fearless-LFTC-swim-shepardess-extrordinaire was MIA... dang, but then, one by one, our wandering pod arrived -- Ruth, Cami, Wendi, Phoenix, Marta, along with the mer-couple made us a seven-pod set.  Just going to have to swim for Laura today -- her spirit was with us, for certain!  YES!!!  So...  anxious to get into the 60ish degree sea until Ruth softly mentioned (almost a whisper) that Ann said there was a great white sighting at the B buoy... well, heck, I could skip the B today!  How about the Marine Room anyone?  Yes!

Apre-swim view from Goldfish Point, check out the smooth, gentle rollers!

Another day in paradise!
We confirmed our 7-pod count and headed off in smooth, glassy rollers out of the cove to the 1/4, not much to see, but a gorgeous day -- yes, water temp's dropped -- Cami noted with a shiver.  After the Marine Room we decided to swim along the shore toward the cove and saw only one shark with a bite out of his neck.  The sea lions were in full-frolick in the cove coming back... I nearly smacked into one again as they show up in your space with a gleeful zoom before you realize what's happened!  Thanks to all those who came out today... so sorry we missed yesterday, but glad my miserable cold is gone.  I officially met Cami and Kevin's adorable boys -- they're SOOOO cute!
Happy Sunday... looking forward to longer days already!


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