Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Double Dog Dare Ya!

...I wasn't going to go swim today because of the high surf warnings, plus I had this headache. I really wanted to go though. I knew no one would be out, so I waited for the afternoon crowd... maybe I'll call Dana or just go down there and see who's there. Dana was up for it and said Kathy and Janie would join us...then came the call "Sorry, the girls went at 1 from the shores due to the high surf! I was already there! My suits on and pumped and ready to go! I talked to Mike and Eric and they recommended using my fins since I am 'post-surgery.' So now the dilemma...follow the Doctors orders and swim sans fins or follow the Guards orders and don them. My devil on one shoulder was arguing with the angel on the other saying "I double dog dare ya!" Let me tell you this was NOT a hard decision. I put my fins on and off I went!

It was sunny and hot even at the beach. The water temp said 62-64 (felt like 65-66), high surf warnings everywhere, but I noticed long lulls btw sets. The biggest surf was about 8ft or so. Around the corner at Boomers and the rest, it was surfer's paradise. In the Cove, there were high breakers just off take off...BUT once you got past that, it was as flat as it has been all week!!! I swam to the 'A' through a ton of kelp and over to the 1/2. It was so flat, I just kept on going to the Tower and back to the Cove. On the way back a sea lion went darting past me (I hope that was a sea lion). The viz was fair to poor. Not a soul out there except for the few body surfers near the Cove. I caught a couple waves in to shore and was happy not to need the attention of Mike or Eric. Upon exiting the water, I could hear yelling and was looking around...up at the top of the stairs was my cheering section! Janie, Dana and Kathy whistling and yelling and waving profusely...They did come down to the Cove after all! The boys in red made 3 saves while I was drying off! We watched as others in the 4-5pm crowd went for a dip and the sun sank into the sea. Oh, and BTW, the headache is gone. :o)