Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'll take one on the rocks! Wait! I changed my mind...but it was too late.

Well...the conditions are the same as yesterday for the most part. Hot and sunny; H2O is 64-ish, heavy surf with long breaks between sets and almost as glassy just beyond the surf zone. I did my same swim to 'A', 1/2, Tower and back. It was a bit choppier on the way back, but there was lots to see (some real nice spots of clarity): rays, lots of fishies and what looked like a large cluster of teeny white things reminiscent of very small jellies. I gotta ask someone about that one. When I got back to the Cove I thought I might play in the surf and all was well until the big bartender in the sky asked if I'd like mine "neat or on the rocks?" Before I could think to answer, I was tossed one on the rocks...ouch! That's not going to be pretty. Needless to say, I'm wiped out! Let's do it again! :o)

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