Thursday, November 18, 2010

Underwater vision evolution -- seeing in the sea!

I know we're supposed to blog about our swims, but since I am mostly a weekend swimmer for now, I'd like to share some swim-related things now and then. At least I'm thinking and dreaming about swimming!

Here's another historic photo from what is said to be America's oldest skin diving club, the Bottom Scratchers, that began in 1933... the goggles they developed were amazing -- starting with radiator hoses and women's compact mirror glass (with the shiny stuff scraped off) and then strapped together...
Photo showing the evolution of goggles to single plated face masks that were developed and used by the San Diego Bottom Scratchers Skin Diving club, 1955 Water World Magazine.
Hope we can swim this weekend... what's a little rain?  Think sunny skies!

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