Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bottom Scratchers Photo

Formed here in San Diego in 1933, the Bottom Scratchers is said to be the world's oldest skin diving club. Here's a photo from 1936 taken at La Jolla's Seven Caves where all the sea lions like to play.  Bill's step father, Ben Stone (center), was one of the original founding members of the club. Linda (aka Lyndee), the daughter of Wally Potts, also a Bottom Scratcher (not in photo), still swims at the cove.

1936 La Jolla Cove, the Bottom Scratchers, skin diving club.
The three founding members of the Bottom Scratchers are  Glenn Orr (far left), Ben Stone (center), and Jack Prodonovich (far right). The sea life that used to swim in La Jolla Cove were truly amazing...

Ben Stone, lobster and halibut

We have many more old photos of the divers.  I'll begin scanning a few more if you're interested in seeing some local history.



  1. Cary these are amazing! Are these history museum treasure troves?

  2. No, these are family album photos. One of the original Bottom Scratchers was Lamar Boren, who was a photographer and ultimately became involved in underwater filming. Lamar went on to be the underwater cinematographer in the TV series, Sea Hunt, Flipper and more ... There are so many amazing photos and stories Bill and others have, I'd really like to get them into either the Hall of Champions or the San Diego History Center in Balboa Park one day to preserve the memories...

    Thanks for asking...

  3. Cary, thank you so much for posting these... so nice to give tribute to the original water men! I just can't even imagine how amazing their swims must have been!! see y'all tomorrow!

  4. I too love seeing the old photos of La Jolla. I meet Jack Prodonovich a while back. He was testing a ten rubber Bluefin tuna spear gun in a pool for a guy I used to work with,Barry Wagner. He was still stoked!, but just about deaf from all the free diving. I missed my chance to get a Prodovich spear gun back them. But that's O.K. because I don't want to spear any fish. I love seeing those old pictures though. Thanks...
