Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Been A Long Time Since I Rock And Rolled...

After a very chilly night, I sure didn't want to get out of all! But had an appt anyway, and also was to meet Steve around 10-ish. Primed with my hot water bottle, knit cap and swim parka, I thought I was ready for what ever. It was a rocky one today and once again the forecasters got it wrong! Waves were 3-5 feet both inside and outside the Cove (at the 1/4 and 1/2 also)/6-8 sec int, water temp about 61F, viz poor. Everyone that was swimming today was in or coming it was a solo. The sun was out and brightened the prospects. But that Led Zeppelin song kept going through my head...esp Let me get back, let me get back, let me get back... . Fun swim, but glad Mike and Mike had my back just in case.
Nothin to see out there today, not a jelly, not a shark, not a ray.
Nothin to see, I'm not cryin, just rockin big waves and a pesky sea lion. ~mg
PS: For those in the market for new wetsuits, or if you've left yours out on the balcony one day too long, I heard of a great deal from Craig. He just got a gently used one from X-Terra Wetsuits for next to nothing! It was really nice.

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