Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday chic swim plus kevin

Tuesday. Swim conditions near perfect. flat sea. so much sun we had to shade our eyes. tftc, lftc, cami, marta and kevin...oh, and DEB! Our missing DEBi! so happy to swim with you again. it was icky and murky in deep water everywhere. So after meeting up at the quarter, we swam in search of clear and beautiful shallows. but the tide was very low, so even in the clear shallows, it was eerie--swimming so close to the seagrass. anything could have swum out of that grass and nibbled your nose or your toe without any warning. ewe. So back to the murky-but-at-a-safe-distance-from-the-floor half mile buoy. Too much chitchat and chilly subsurface water for this thin-skinned fair-water-swimmer out there. (what were ya'll talking about so long?!) I had to lead the retreat back to the cove.
Cami's Birthday swim on friday.
Laura's B-day swim also? or another swim in honor of our beloved LFTC on sunday??