Thursday, November 4, 2010

things we find in the water...

So today I went to the Birch and pinned down a biologist to harass....
1) He was WAY impressed that we saw that Spanish Dancer nudibranch this summer... waaay out of its warm water territory...
2) those schooling long fish with the yellow tails are not yellow tail but barracuda although they look nothing like the Ca. barracuda they have in their big tank.
3) he's thinking Angel Shark ... remember that guy we saw that one day off the white-pipe-cliffs, yah, I do have a picture but haven't gotten around to developing them yet... and (Cary) they often BITE if you touch them, they have TEETH... the dif. is that the angels have fins that are not attached to the head zone (true sharks) but look very much like the banded guitar fish (ray).... my money is on the angel shark now, anyone wanna put money on it? jk.
swim on merry folks!


  1. I'm probably the only one old enough to remember, but Sam Hinton who was curator at Scripps Aquarium for many years used to publish a weekly newspaper itme called the Ocean World. He was a great illustrator and would always include a drawing and description. I swear I remember the Angel Shark being one of the columns.

  2. Wasn't Sam Hinton a musician also? I remember hearing him play...folk mostly I think
