Sunday, November 7, 2010

birthday swim to remember

Sunday birthday swim.
Mother Nature pulled a fast one on the forecasters today. "It's LFTC's birthday, so it's gonna be sunny and warm!" Wow, Laura, you sure have some clout with the old gal. Some occasional 2-3 foot rollers, but overall good conditions. It was a mass swim of TEN. LFTC, TFTC, Cami, Kevin!, Mer-couple, Diana, Marta, Wendy and ? (i'm having a brain-float) swam to the A then the B. Beautiful 65 deg water, not much to see except kelp forest in its best light. We were stalking the young gray whale that was rumored to have been spotted out there earlier (I'm sure he was snickering at us from the depths). From the B we swam toward the WDPSOH (white-drain-pipe-sticking-out-of-the-hill) until the murk redirected us toward the .25. Our empty stomachs and the thoughts of a picnic lured us back to dry land where we spread out our feast on the sunny lawn and enjoyed our cumulative company. I wanted to stay for the extra low tide and explore the tidepools, but my kids rolled their eyes and called the shots, "enough is enough, mom." Anybody know where I can get a good trade-in on two kids? This was a birthday swim to remember. Happy B-day, LFTC!

1 comment:

  1. The B buoy is my new favorite! B for Bold.
    So glad you had a great swim and a great shindig.
