Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Blanket To Swim Under

This morning I awakened to fog, not just a little fog, but fog so thick I couldn't see my neighbor's house across the street! I have swum in fog before...I don't like it, but seem to have a fairly good sense of direction when stuck in it (TG). I checked the different websites and called on my trusty pals at the beach for reports. Deciding to swim with the blanket anyway, I drove to the Cove. The fog was just starting to lift by that point and the sea was glass, great viz too. The 9am pod was just getting out, shivering and grabbing the hot water bottles...Not a good sign. The water, however, didn't seem that cold, maybe a degree of change (61F +/-), but what a nice swim WOW! Wish I could've staid in longer, but not an option today. Have to leave some for tomorrow. Ran into Ruth and Laura on their way to the beach and their beauti-mus swim...Friday, gotta make it a 9am swim. Any takers for an early one?

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