Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sunset, from most of me below sea level

Okay -i've tried three times to post comments to your blogs folks and they seem to post but then
disappear. So i'll just have to blog from scratch.
The rest of the world is still out there and exquisitely beautiful even when i am cooped up indoors all day downtown.
After what feels like forever since i swam last (saturday), and with very little convincing from Bill, i cut out early and headed north to the Cove, where the waves looked plenty big to me. From the water's edge they looked even bigger. Too big for this swimmer. Bill realized i wasn't going in the water from the Cove so we headed over to the Shores, where it was like glass.
Warm water, sunny, late late afternoon perfection - 4:30 or so. We swam out to the half, then headed out to the A. It was murky in spots but as we got closer in it cleared - kelp and fish passing underneath me - i felt like a barge (or canoe, or marine mammal?)- like i was gliding effortlessly, it was so flat. Then we headed out to the B. It was just beautiful. I just wanted to swim into the sunset forever. Or float on my back and watch the sky darken. Headed back to the Shores from the B - Torrey Pines cliffs in my sight with every breath, the sky turning color. We stopped about 5 minutes from the shore to watch the sunset. Then, alas, back onto land. It got dark so quickly. Headed out of the parking lot with all the surfers. Haven't done a swimming sunset before. Usually it's just Dog Beach with binoculars. Oh - we saw fearless Marta at the Cove just as she got out. Ran into Diana at the Shores, who just finished a swim with Claudia and Ralph. So glad you all shared this beautiful day in the deep blue sea. I am grateful beyond words for my swim today.