Thursday, November 11, 2010

philosophical yadda yadda

Since you all seemed to have nailed the concrete, swell size, temp, conditions, what we saw, where and with whom..... I'll go deep... here's where my mind was today. Particularly this long stretched out swim with my new neoprene hood so I couldn't hear anything .. swims like this take my mind away.... the ebb and flow of life, how one thing, one silly menacing nuisance can throw me off track (earlier this week) .... my swim stroke is so imperfect, I spaz out and go nowhere... when I relax and get in the groove of the swells and chop I swim faster... my breathing slows, rhythmic, I get my twist on and stop gulping water, I forget I'm even swimming sometimes, even today coming in against the chop, Im so in the moment, and so in space at the same time... such a relief to see that Kevin's got the kids on shore b/c for the first time all day I haven't thought about them even once..... when Im not trying to swim I move less with my arms and more with my being. That zone is bliss. So grateful for you all to share that with, I have yet to find that anywhere else in life and such a bond we all have in our love of the water. SWIM ON MY GILLED FRIENDS! .... and what the hell are you guys thinking out there??


  1. What am I thinking? As I'm listening to my breathing and bubbles feeling the water move, I'm making out with Dennis Quaid or Collin Farrell...a girl can dream can't she?

  2. I was thinking: "wouldn't a hot jacuzzi be nice right about now" Too bad I suspended my gym membership.
