Saturday, November 20, 2010

♫♪♪♫♪♪♫♪♪ We're Swimming In The Rain...Just Swimming In The Rain ♫♪♪♫♪♪♫♪♪

It was a dark and stormy night....NOT! We were supposed to get a storm in around 1am PDT, but it never came until morning with a slight drizzle. Or as my Irish friends would say "ah sure, it's a nice soft day." It was, however, enough to rain out the LJCSC's Turkey Splash and Dash Event (which has been postponed till next Saturday). Since I was already there, I decided, as did some others, that I would still swim as it was also the beginning of the Big Chill Winter Swim (to Samoa) and today's miles count for DOUBLE!!!! I'm going for it. Just then my phone rang. There was Ken..."whatcha doin this rainy day?" When I told him I was just getting ready to get in the water, he says (in an excited pitch) "Are you **blinkin** nuts!?" I guess I must be. The rain was coming down softly one minute and in fits and flurries the next. A couple of equally crazy friends joined me (Names have been removed to protect the crazy, know who you are!) in tiptoeing into the 60-ish F degree water. They wore wetsuits, skins and fins...I did not. Does that make me doubly crazy? Certifiable no doubt! It's not that bad. Really. We caught a nice current to the 1/2 mile buoy, but a face slapping chop back to the 1/4 buoy, then the 'A' buoy. My friends decided to boogie back to shore but I still needed to swim. Mostly because of my need to burn off excess energy, but also because of the DOUBLE MILES :o) I joined my friends in the Club house Jacuzzi to de-thaw.
Swam 2.0 miles (x2 for the Event day) = 4.0 miles


  1. okay - i admit it. i'm guilty. i swam with you. but i didn't wear fins. went naked feet and loved it. but man, it's cccold out there in my sleeveless wetsuit. you may well be crazy! but you're my kind of crazy, marta. i enjoyed our swim. i especially the current which carried us to the A from the .25 in about 2 minutes. how fit i must be! lftc disrupted my self-congratulatory moment by pointing it out to me. thanks, lftc!!!!!
    Cove to 1/2 to 1/4 to A and home = 1.04 miles.
    Ciao bellas.

  2. there always seems to be a nice current there...sometimes I just want to swim back and forth, but then I might as well be in a pool!
    Great swim

  3. not at all, sharkbait - it's a great swim out to the A, especially when there are rollers - it's like swimming uphill. and then the ride back is so whee-ha.
