Monday, November 29, 2010

Holy $%*t that was cold!

Marta and I swam a mile today around 1:30.  There were 3-4 ft. waves when we started but it was much calmer when we came back in.  The water must have been 55 inside the Cove.  We swam out to the half mile buoy where it seemed like it was 56 or 57.  I definitely could feel it get colder again when coming back in.  Marta was a brave soul and went without a wetsuit.  We both used fins.  I don't think I will go without fins this winter just because it helps stay warm.

1 comment:

  1. This is a commemerative post; a one of a kind and very rare. Today, as a cyber-monday special, we can give it to you for only 19.95!!
    Special's his 1st time! LOL

    Great swim Steve! My toes are almost thawed out!
