Thursday, November 4, 2010

November late summer swim.

Dashed up to the Shores for my fix, at 4:30. Headed out with Cary, Bill and Larry, straight shot to the B. Met up with a paddleboarder. Nice guy but he wouldn't serenade us, standing up on his board like a gondolier. Bill says it's a mile out to the B - no wonder it seemed so far away. Water was warm and looked molten. Coming back we had to keep turning around to see the sun getting ready to set. Then Cary called out - right in front of us the water was eddying, with something VERY BIG just below. I saw something large swim off - didn't see it blowing until it was quite far away. I've never seen the water displaced like that for a seal or even a dolphin. Cary said it was a pilot whale. WOW. Watched the sunset from the water again, and then swam in through the pink-tinged water. I saw a school of tiny blue fishies on the way out - and some of those white things Marta saw today as well - like jellyfish parts. A magical swim. Great company. I felt like a sea lion today, loitering at the B buoy with my fins sticking into the air.
Hooray for the ocean and mer-pals!

1 comment:

  1. You guys see the coolest things!!! If I could keep up I'd love to swim in the late afternoon.
