Monday, November 8, 2010

Swim With Dolphins!

Evidently, it did rain for an hr or so according to LGMWTWL. I went in at 1:45. The sun was out with patchy clouds, BIG swells, 1-3ft waves and very high chop and surge outside. I swam to the A - 1/2 - Tower (just outside the surf lineup - big surf over there) and back to 1/2 - A - Cove....but most importantly - I GOT TO SWIM WITH DOLPHINS!!!!!! about 8 of them...sooo flipping cool. Btw the 1/2 and Tower there was this huge school of sardine and all of a sudden these dolphin were everywhere. Must have been feeding time. They swam around a bit and underneath and then left. On the way back I saw a Breakfast Jellie down deep. It took me a long time to swim the distance today. I should get credit for vertical mileage I think...I had a grin from ear to ear all the way back...Mike said when I got to the 1/2 and he saw me break away twd the Tower he called over to the LG's there and told them to expect me and then on the way back they handed me back to Mike...nice to know they've got our backs. Yea! A Big thank you out to the Lifeguards!!


  1. lucky girl! was the viz good enough to see the dolphins under water?

  2. they were THAT close. but yes, there was a lot of clarity in many areas.

  3. that is amazing.
    who is LGMWTWL, do tell..

  4. oh, thats lifeguard Mike with the White Lips... that could possibly be shortened to WLM (white lipped Mike)? or MWWL (Mike with white lips) or just WL.... white lips . Im sure he'd appreciate all of this. ha

  5. LOL. or LGM (lifeguard Mike)? bottom line, I'm glad they are there (my Mom is really glad they are). Hit the sack hard last night...was really wiped out. Wanna go again?

  6. I had one swim right under me twice. Less than 10 ft down.
