Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day Swim - Left Overs Edition

Post Turkey Day swim at the Cove...gorgeous, lake-like conditions and 59-60F. The water was the most clear I've seen in such a long time! Swam to the 1/4 with some friends, we split, and I went over to the Shores, Marine Rm, along the Cave wall and rounded into the Cove...just cruising and viewing the beauty and splendor. Viewed jellies toward the tower, leo's at Marine Rm, the fish count was way way up today, as were the frisky sea lions getting down in the Cove. Thankful to have friends that care.
For those interested...Tomorrow is the LJCSC Thanksgiving Splash and Dash - leftover's edition due to last week's rain out. DOUBLE MILE POINTS offered again...yippee!

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