Sunday, November 21, 2010

november 20 big chill begins

swim report saturday nov. 20: big chill thru la jolla swim club launched today, claudia's race the whales too. (you are all part of the latter because i included you, you're in it so get to swimming)
i wasn't going to go because it was raining, cold, grey and windy and i have a wicked neck injury from wearing my hoody the other day. i went in with an undamaged neck and came out looking like a vampire chewed on my neck, an ocean hickey! anyway, marta was going, ruth was going, they kept telling me they were going, mocking me even. so what's a lftc to do? she's goes, that what she does. i wore a full 1.5mm body skin and no hoody, loved the skin, my head was cold. 61 degrees but warmer than the air. some swells rolling through but mostly beautiful, many swimmers out-more than i imagined, rained before, during, after. viz was 5' or so, sea lions insane. it was a perfect way to spend a rainy november day. we missed all you guys!
watch out for ruth, she is not only hard core, she's a trickster too, she has guile skills nailed down. she can tell you more.
swim on, people, don't let the weather fool or rule you. i think of it this way: if your going to be wet and cold, you may as well swim and do it right.

1 comment:

  1. you're not bad guile-wise yourself, my love. i stay with you - like practically glued to you, swimming back inside through the sea lion gauntlet. ruth: "so did you see all those sea lions swimming under us?" lftc: "no. i had my eyes closed" thanks for the brave escort however closed your eyes were!
